Postponement of Cheques’ Presentation Periods

In the line of the measures and restrictions imposed throughout the country due to Coronavirus pandemic (COVID-19), the presentation for encashment of the cheques of which the presentation period falls on between 30 April 2021 and 31 May 2021 (including these days) has been postponed to 1 June 2021 and thereafter, by a Provisional Article 3/1/A added into the Law on the Amendment of Some Laws No. 7226 and dated 25 March 2021 by the Article 15 of the Law on the Amendment of the Tax Procedural Law and Some Laws published in the Official Gazette on 30 April 2021.

The procedures and principles with regard to the application of the said provisional regulation on the postponement of the presentation of cheques have been determined by the Communique issued by the Ministry of Trade (“Communiqué”) published as well in the repeated version of the Official Gazette on 30 April 2021. You may find our publication on the Communiqué in the link below.

Postponement of Cheques Presentation Periods